Children’s & Youth Ministries
Nursery (6mo - 3 yrs)
We offer Nursery care for babies approximately 6 months old (sitting up on their own) through 3 yrs old. Please see information on our check-in table at the back of the church for where to drop off your children.
Children's Ministry (3yrs - 7yrs)
Children ages 3 - 7 yrs old are invited to attend our Children’s Ministry class where they will learn about the liturgical calendar, hear a Bible story, and memorize scripture through songs each week. Additionally, children will learn about one saint each month.
Confirmation Class (7 yrs +)
Children 7 and older who are desirous to be confirmed in the Anglican Faith are welcome to join our Confirmation Class. The Confirmation Class is held approximately once a year. Please contact Fr. Kevin for more information.