Holy Week & Easter Services

Join us for Holy Week

Spy Wednesday | April 5th at 5:30pm

We will have Evening Prayer on Spy Wednesday, April 5th at 7:00pm. We hope you will join us!

Maundy Thursday | April 6th at 7:00pm

Our Maundy Thursday service will be held on Thursday, April 6th at 7:00pm. On Maundy Thursday we are called to reflect on three things. 1) The institution of the New Covenantal Priesthood; 2) the Institution of the Holy Eucharist; and 3) the New Command from our Lord to love one another in the same way that he loved us.

Good Friday | April 7th at 5:3opm

We will have our Good Friday service on Friday, April 7th at 5:30pm. We return on Friday to commemorate the most somber day in the entirety of the church year. It is this day that our sins sent Jesus to Calvary’s tree. The liturgy reflects this; it is simple and austere. Childcare will be available for children ages 6mo - 4yrs.

Easter Vigil | April 8th at 7:00pm

Join us for our Easter Vigil service on Saturday, April 8th at 7:00pm. To "keep vigil" means to enter into a period of sleeplessness in order to watch and pray. Traditionally the Easter Vigil would begin at sundown on Saturday and last into the early hours of the morning on Easter, but don't worry, our service won't go that long! Plan to hang out and start the Easter Feast with us in the courtyard after!

Easter Sunday | April 9th at 11:00am

Join us Easter Sunday at 11:00am. Parking is available in the lot off Amerige Ave. or anywhere you can find it on the street. The church entrance faces Wilshire Ave. Childcare for 6mo-4yrs will be available during Mass.

If you are curious to learn more about Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil, click here to read “Triduum Sacrum: The Three Holy Days”
by Fr. Kevin.